My primary research interest has been peripheral nerve repair. I majored in neurophysiology and began working in the muscle mechanics lab as an undergraduate. We were focusing on end-to-side nerve repair. As a medical student, I returned to the same lab to continue peripheral nerve research, this time focusing on peripheral nerve transplant immunology.
D P Basile, J M Rovak, D R Martin, M R Hammerman, Increased Transforming Growth Factor-j31 Expression in Regenerating Rat Renal Tubules Following Ischemic Injury, American Journal of Physiology, 270 (Renal Fluid Electrolyte
Physiol. (39): F500-F509, 1996
J M Rovak, V Macionis, P S Cederna, M Urbanchek, W M Kuzon, Axonal
Anatomy Following End-to-Side Surgical Nerve Repair. Journal of Reconstructive
Microsurgery, 14: 590-591, 1998,
Rovak, JM, Cederna, PS, Macionis, V, Urbanchek, MG, Van der Meulen, JH,
Kuzon, WM, Termino-Iateral neurorrhaphy: The functional axonal anatomy.
Microsurgery 20:6-14, 2000.
Paul S, Cederna, Loree K Kalliainen, Melanie G Urbanchek, Jason M Rovak,
William M Kuzon, Donor muscle structure and after following end-to-side
neurorrhaphy, Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 107:789, 2001
J M Rovak, P S Cederna, W M Kuzon
End-To-Side Nerve Coaptation: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature.
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 17(8), 2001
Gonzolo V Gonzalez, MD, Jason M. Rovak, BS, Hilliard F Seigler, MD, John P
Grant, MD, Theoddore N Pappas, MD. Poor Quality of Life in Female Patients
Following Surgery for Recalcitrant Benign Peptic Ulcer Disease.
J Gastrointest Surg. 2002 May-Jun; 6(3):396-402.
Jejurikar SS, Rovak JM, Kuzon WM Jr, Chung KC, Kotsis SV, Cederna PS.
Evaluation of plastic surgery information on the Internet.
Ann Plast Surg. 2002 Nov; 49(5):460-5.
Haase SC, Rovak JM, Dennis RG, Kuzon WM Jr, Cederna PS.
Recovery of muscle contractile function following nerve gap repair with chemically acellularized peripheral nerve grafts.
J Reconstr Microsurg. 2003 May; 19(4):241-8.
Rovak JM, Mungara AK, Aydin MA, Cederna PS.
Effects of vascular endothelial growth factor on nerve regeneration in acellular nerve grafts.
J Reconstr Microsurg. 2004 Jan; 20(1):53-8.
Rovak, JM, Tung, Thomas H, Mackinnon SE.
The Surgical Management of Facial Nerve Injury
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2004 Feb 18 (1):23-30
Rovak JM, Bishop OK, Boxer LK, Wood SC, Mungara AK, Cederna PS.
Peripheral nerve transplantation: the role of chemical acellularization in eliminating allograft antigenicity.
J Reconstr Microsurg. 2005 Apr; 21(3):207-13.
Rovak JM, Tung, TH
Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injuries
Missouri Medicine 2006103(6) 631
Abstracts and Presentations:
J M Rovak, V Macionis, P S Cederna, M Urbanchek, W Kuzon. Functional
Neuroanatomy of Motor Axons After End-to-Side Neurorrhaphy. 43rd Annual Fall
Series, Student Biomedical Research Forum, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November
11, 1997.
J M Rovak, V Macionis, P S Cederna, M Urbanchek, W M Kuzon. TerminoLateral
Neurorrhaphy: The Functional Axonal Anatomy. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Counsel, April 4-7, 1998. Winner of the John F.
Crikelair Research Award, “Presented to the college student presenting the best paper at the annual meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Counsel”.
J M Rovak, V Macionis, P S Cederna, M Urbanchek, W M Kuzon. Axonal
Anatomy Following End-to-Side Surgical Nerve Repair. American Society for
Peripheral Nerve, 8th Annual Meeting, May 22-24, 1998.
JM Rovak, LK Boxer, SY Chan, DK Bishop, WM Kuzon, PS Cederna.
Acellularized Peripheral Nerve Allograft Repopulated with Isogenic Schwann
Cells: A Non-Irnmunogenic Construct that Supports Axonal Growth Across Short
Nerve Gaps. Leiden International Medical Students Congress. Leiden
University, Leiden, Netherlands. March 16-17, 2001
JM Rovak, LK Boxer, SY Chan, DK Bishop, WM Kuzon, PS Cede rna. The
Immunologic Response to Acellularized Peripheral Nerve Tissue. Moses Gunn
13th Annual Research Conference, University of Michigan 5/01
Gonzolo V Gonzalez, MD, Jason M. Rovak, BS, Hilliard F Seigler, MD, John P
Grant, MD, Theoddore N Pappas, MD. Poor Quality of Life in Female Patients
Following Surgery for Recalcitrant Benign Peptic Ulcer Disease.
The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract–Digestive Disease Week 5/01
JM Rovak, L Boxer, SY Chan, DK Bishop, W Kuzon, PS Cederna. The
Immunologic Response To Chemically Acellularized Peripheral Nerve
Plastic Surgery Research Council 46th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI 6/01
Winner of the JK Hardesty, MD Best Poster Award
Sameer S. Jejurikar, MD, Jason M. Rovak, BS, Cynthia Marcelo, PhD, William
M. Kuzon, MD, PhD. Denervation Injury Promotes Programmed Satellite Cell
Death. American College of Surgery Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. 10101
Jejurikar SS, Rovak JM, Spilson SV, Cederna PS, Kuzon WM, Chung KC. An
Evaulation of Elective Plastic Surgery Information on the Internet. American
Society of Plastic Surgery Meeting, Orlando, FL 11/01
JM Rovak, DK Bishop, SY Chan, WM Kuzon, JA Faulkner, PS Cederna. Short
Term Anti-CD40 Ligand Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Induces Tolerance to
Peripheral Nerve Allografts. Plastic Surgery Research Council 47’h Annual
Meeting, Boston MA, 4/02
JM Rovak Computers and Mobile Technology for the Hand Surgeon –Voice Dictation. 66th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2011 Las Vegas NV
Book Chapters:
Plastic and Hand Surgery. In The Washington Manual of Surgery 5thEd. Tenenbaum MJ, Rovak JM, Mackinnon SE Lippincott, Williams,& Wilkins 2008
Surgical Exposure, Techniques, and Infections—Digits and Thumb. Rovak JM. In Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Hand 3rd Ed. In publication 2014